The Shave Club

Harry's Shave Club is NOT just for men!
I hate shaving. I am of Asian background, therefore I do not grow much hair on my legs, so it doesn't bother me not to shave. But as a teenager I nicked myself enough to the point I knew I had to buy better razors to get the best shave. Cheap razors don't last and don't produce the best result. My husband kept telling me to try his razor. He is pretty picky. He uses a double edge blade razor, and shaving soap.

I recently purchase an introductory kit to Harry's shave club. This was my husband's idea. I ordered the ivory colored handle. It is quite pretty.
I hesitated using it the first time. Just wasn't sure how good a job it would do and if it would do too good of a job that I might get nicks AGAIN!
But alas, on a day when I had TIME, I decided to try it. The shave gel is quite nice and lathers well although manly smelling. I will have to get my own shave gel.
I think the close shave only burned a little in some places but no nicks or cuts! I think I like this razor, because I have shaved my legs 3 times which is a record in winter for me! LOL
You might try this introductory plan they have. You can order replacement blades for pretty cheap every month or when ever you need them. I think I am sold!
